Chinese Palm Reading - Life Line

    Life Line

The Life Line starts from the top of the palm, between the thumb and the index finger, and goes toward the bottom edge of the palm. The length of the Life Line does not necessary represent longevity, it represents the strength of life both physically and mentally.

Chinese Palm Reading Life Line
If the Life Line is long, deep and red, it represents strong vitality, good immune system, and does not get sick easily. If it is short and shallow, the person tends to be weaker or has more health issues. If the line is thicker, the person is better with physical work or sports, or if the line is thinner, the person is better with work requiring more brain-power and less physical. If the palm area it encloses (from the base of the thumb to the Life Line) is larger, it represents a more energetic and romantic life, or if it is smaller, it represents fatigue.
If there are iron-chain-like creases at the beginning of the line (on the edge of palm between the thumb and the index finger), it indicates frequent illness during childhood. Chinese Palm Reading Life Line

Similarly, if there are breaks or has small creases near the end of the line, it indicates health problems at old age. Chinese Palm Reading Life Line

If there are small circular creases in the middle of the line, it indicates major illness or hospitalization during the lifetime - the bigger the crease, the worse the condition is and longer it lasts. Chinese Palm Reading Life Line

Also see two other major palm lines

Wisdom Line and Love Line.

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