Dog - 2016 Chinese Zodiac in Year of Monkey

Years of Dog : 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

Dog If your birthday is before February 4, then your astrological sign is Chicken, not Dog. (Verify Your Sign)

Dog has good sense of smell. It's a very alert and vigilant animal. It can make correct decisions based on the circumstances. Dog is straightforward, loyal and brave. Therefore, it has strong sense of responsibility. Monkey is a smart, wily, irritating and impatient animal. It likes new discovery, adventure, fashion and limelight. It's used to take impromptu and immature actions. Dog can become a good advisor to Monkey.

Dog is connected to the mountain. Monkey is connected to the strong wind. Wind can travel swiftly to any location it wants. Mountain can block the wind's direction and slow down wind's speed. So the strong wind won't become a natural hazard.

According to Chinese horoscopes, Dog contains mainly the Earth; Monkey contains mainly Metal and some Water. Earth is the mother element of Metal. Dog can provide protection, education and training for Monkey. Water in the Monkey stands for money to Dog. Therefore, Monkey can help Dog bringing in the money making opportunity.

Chinese Zodiac Dog vs. 2016 Year of Monkey

DogMonkey 2016 is the Year of Red Monkey. You were born in the Year of Dog. The following is the Red Monkey year prediction for people born in year of Dog.

When Dog meets Monkey, Dog will be happy to become Monkey's mentor.

Career: Your career luck shows quite stable. You will find a good smart, creative partner to assist your career. If you have very tight project schedule, you should assign some tasks to the younger team members to share some workloads.

Job Change: If you receive a promotion or new job offer, then you should accept the challenge. Changing working environment to show people your talent is a good approach for current career development.

Wealth: The money luck is pretty good. Your professional skills can earn money easily. Your social networks will bring you the money opportunity.

Water is money to Dog. Dog is connected to the mountain. When it rains, the mountain can absorb all the water. But it won't rain all the time. Don't lose the opportunity when water is there.

Love: Your personality is complementary to your lover. Both of you will become a good match. However, you need to give more romance moments for your lover. If you're looking for love, it's good time to attend more social activities. You will find and enjoy the easy and relaxing life style there.

Social Circle: It's good time to build people relationship. You should spend more time at social events. You will find people like your advices. You will feel the sense of achievement with them. You can build good friendships there.

Quarrel: If you have argument, dispute or lawsuit with someone, then both you and the opposite party will become the losers. You had better negotiate the truce.

Health: Bringing better fortune is required more social or outdoor activities. The dangerous sports should be avoided. The outdoor activities need to carry out with caution. Pay attention on not hurting arms, legs and bones.

General Fortune: Dog and Monkey can be energetic partners. They can generate promising fortune. Your efforts will return you the prosperity and happiness.