Sheep - 2016 Chinese Zodiac in Year of Monkey

Years of Sheep : 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003

Sheep If your birthday is before February 4, then your astrological sign is Horse, not Sheep. (Verify Your Sign)

Sheep is connected to a farmland of the summer. Monkey is connected to the wind of the fall. The duty of the farmland is to grow plant and crop. The plant needs the help of wind to spread the seed. The wind of the fall can help crop to ripen. Therefore, Monkey is a good job helper to Sheep.

Sheep is a timid, shy, kind, patient and endurable animal. Monkey is a smart animal and likes to take actions and show-off itself. Sheep could lose its direction without a guide. Sheep won't argue with others. Monkey is active and knows how to fight for the rights and privileges. Sheep and Monkey are a good partners of the cooperation. Sheep trusts the talent of the Monkey. Sheep provides the learning and performance stage for Monkey. Monkey can help Sheep to fulfill the business goal.

Chinese Zodiac Sheep vs. 2016 Year of Monkey

SheepMonkey 2016 is the Year of Red Monkey. You were born in the Year of Sheep. The following is the Red Monkey year prediction for people born in year of Sheep.

When Sheep meets Monkey, a shy Sheep will prepare to get in the spotlight.

Career: Don't be too conservative to your career development. It's a right time to encourage yourself to show your knowledge, experience and wisdom to people. Your talent and experience will win peoples respect and bring you good reputation.

Job Change: The career opportunity is coming. If you have the opportunity of the promotion or job relocation, then you can accept the challenge. It must be someone giving you good recommendation. People will help you when you get on the new position.

Wealth: Money won't fall down at your door directly. You still need to work hard to earn the money from your job. To build good people relationship can make it easier for you to bring money home.

Love: If you want a better love relationship, then you need to respect the opinions and feelings of your partner. Both of you need the self-control not to push other to the limitation. If you are a female, you need to watch your language and behavior not hurt the dignity of your lover.

Social Circle: The popularity of a person is always changing. Your people relationship is fair. Currently, you have better chance to build more social connections. You should learn the active spirit of Monkey. You attend more social activities to acquaint new people and maintain the friendships. People relationship is the key to bring you the opportunity of career and wealth.

Quarrel: If you have argument, dispute or lawsuit with someone, then you will face the trouble of the storm. But the sunny day will come after. The result will be a close call. It's better to negotiate with the opposite party to shorten the period of worry and fear.

Health: You need to watch for the food you have. You should eat more vegetables. Pay attention on your stomach, large intestine and the entire digestive system.

General Fortune: As long as you want to work harder for the coming opportunity, the fame and fortune will come to you.