Chinese Farmer's Calendar - Special Calendar Terms

Special Calendar Terms

Black Moon Day Good Day for Funeral Events
Black-Rabbit Sun Day Best Day for Funeral Events
Fabulous Deer Day Very Auspicious Day
Pardon Day Brown Tiger in spring, Green Horse in summer, Brown Monkey in fall, Water Rat in winter
Auspicious Day
Phoenix Day Very Auspicious Day
Heaven Merit Auspicious Day
Year Merit Good Day
Moon Merit Auspicious Day 
Day Merit  Good Day
Doctor Angel Close Day - Good for Doctor visiting
Heavenly Value Good Day
Heavenly Rich Full Day - Good for Funeral, warehouse
Five Rich Good Day
Three affinity Good Day
Four Mid-Seasons Bad Day
End of Season Days Bad Day
Abandoned Days Bad Day
Bygone Day Bad Day
Venus at New/Full Moon Moon Day meet 28 Stars
End of Chi Day Unlucky Day
Broken Chi Day Unlucky Day
Day of Death Unlucky Day but good for hunting
Knife Day Unlucky Day, Don't kill animals (Nothing to do with Wedding)
Exhaustion Day  Unlucky Day
Mr. Yang's Forbidden Day 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 19th, 21st, 22nd, 25th, 27th Moon Days
Not a good day for some events

 Other Factors to determine lucky events


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