Chinese Palm Reading - Love Line or Heart Line

    Love Line (or Heart Line)

The Love Line is also called the Heart Line. It begins from the edge of the palm below the pinkie finger, runs across the palm, and ideally ends below where index finger joins the middle finger.

If the line is longer and ends below the index finger, it represents a person’s affection is more spiritual than physical, or if the line is shorter and ends below the middle finger, it is the opposite. If the line is thin and deep, the emotion is delicate and gentle. If the line is thick and shallow, the emotion is rough and wild.

Chinese Palm Reading - Love Line

If the line curves downwards below the middle finger, it indicates headstrong, irrational, or even forceful love. Chinese Palm Reading - Love Line

If the line is long with splits at the end and curves downwards, it indicates stubborn love and willingness to sacrifice everything for love. Chinese Palm Reading - Love Line

If the beginning of the line (from the edge of the palm) has feather-like creases, the person is very passionate. Chinese Palm Reading - Love Line

If the feather-like creases are above the line only, the person is quick-witted, resourceful, and flexible to changes. Chinese Palm Reading - Love Line

If the Love Line has a shape of iron chain, it indicates moody, depressed and overly sensitive. Chinese Palm Reading - Love Line

If there are circular creases on the Love Line below the pinkie finger, the person may have eye or eyesight problems. If the circular creases appear on other part of the Love Line, it indicates problems in maintaining relationship. Chinese Palm Reading - Love Line

If the line is broken or has gaps, it indicates extreme trauma or hardship in relationship. Chinese Palm Reading - Love Line

See two other major palm lines: Life Line and Wisdom Line.

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